Advisor to:

Mergers & Acquisitions
MB Funds invested in Transval in 2010. At the time of the investment Transval had a revenue of some € 27 million. By means of organic and inorganic measures Transval grew to become the number one provider of internal logistics services in Finland.
Service offering of Transval include increasing material flow efficiency in warehouses, terminals, retail sector and industrial operations, flexible human resourcing as well as logistics processes consulting services. At the time of the exit in 2018, Transval’s revenue and employee base had grown to some € 148 million and 3,500 respectively.
Summa advised MB Funds in an exit process where Transval was acquired by Posti Group Corporation.

- Inquiries
- Matias Knip
- +358 (0) 40 848 6111
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